Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Country Boy

My Friend Logan is an avid guitar player and absolutely LOVES Taylor guitars and it just so happens Taylor Guitars was holding a photo contest. We decided to enter and had to really rush on the photo because the photos had to be submitted two days after I moved, and we didn't see each other beforehand to get it done, so it was a quick shoot, but I'm very happy with the results! Unfortunately we didn't win, but I'm still glad we did the shoot as the pictures turned out wonderful!

The first photo was the one we entered, the second is just another good one :)
Link to the winners:


Before graduating in May (but finished all my classes) my mom, sister, nephew and I flew to Maui for a week of relaxation and stress relief! It was a much needed vacation for all of us!

My Nephew Evan loved to look through the railings and "Yell" at the passersby

Lovin' the fish at the aquarium!

This plant grows only on the top of an extinct volcano 10,000 feet up. It can live up to 50 years. It only blooms once, and then dies.

At the Maui Aquarium

Ugliest fish I've ever seen!

Jacaranda Trees bloom purple flowers in the spring and smell like lilacs!

These birds stuck close to us while we were on the beach!